Our team is honored to be a 2015 Edison Awards Nominee! We look forward to hearing back from the judging rounds and learning more about the other nominations.
Our team is honored to be a 2015 Edison Awards Nominee! We look forward to hearing back from the judging rounds and learning more about the other nominations.
Our team is ecstatic to say that we’ve been nominated for a Philly Geek Award – Best I.R.L. (In Real Life) Project! You can read about it on Newsworks and Geekadelphia. We’ll know in August if we’ve won!
Some updates over the past year:
We’ve been overwhelmed by the response from the media and our fans. We love hearing from you – you can contact us at [email protected]
Our team is pleased to announce that we’ve been featured on CNN’s “Blueprint” Series. Check out the video here.
We’re honored that our project has received 1st Runner Up in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Design by Biomedical Undergraduate Teams (DEBUT) Competition. Our team competed in the category “Technology to Aid Underserved Populations and Individuals with Disabilities”.
Check out today’s (June 2) Philly Inquirer, featuring Titan Arm in its Health Section!
Our team is happy to report that we took 2nd place overall in Penn Engineering this past Thursday at the All Engineering Senior Design Presentations. Thanks for all the support! Our new teaser video is below, and we should be receiving a link to our full presentation on YouTube soon!
Today, Team Titan presented our project at the Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Day. Attached to this post, you’ll find our poster with information, as well as our “teaser” video below.
We’re happy to report that our team was honored with the Judge’s Award for overall project excellence. We’ll be one of three teams representing that Mechanical Engineering Department at the All Engineering Senior Design presentations next week.