Elizabeth Beattie (left) is a senior in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania and will be entering a Ph. D. program at Penn in the Fall.  She has 5+ years of experience in orthopedics industry and academic research and development.


Nick McGill (right of center) is a senior majoring in mechanical and electrical engineering and submatriculating into the Robotics Masters program at the University of Pennsylvania.  He is passionate about robotics, embedded systems, and mechanical design.

Website | Email | Github

Nick Parrotta (right) is a senior at the University of Pennsylvania, and is majoring and submatriculating in Mechanical Engineering.  He is specializing in design and manufacturability, but also has strong interests in tech-based entrepreneurship and automotive engineering.

Website Email

Niko Vladimirov (left of center) is a senior at the University of Pennsylvania, and is majoring in Mechanical Engineering and submatriculating in Integrated Product Design. His interests are in the synthesis of mechatronics and mechanical design.

Website | Email | Resume


We’d like to recognize the following people who have been incredibly helpful throughout the course of this project.

  • Jonathan Fiene
  • Mark Yim
  • Peter Szczesniak
  • Bruce Kothmann
  • Mike Garcia
  • Steve McGill
  • Peter Rockett
  • Joe Valdez
  • Kyle Beck
  • Matt Piccoli