Elizabeth Beattie (left) is a senior in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania and will be entering a Ph. D. program at Penn in the Fall. She has 5+ years of experience in orthopedics industry and academic research and development.
Nick McGill (right of center) is a senior majoring in mechanical and electrical engineering and submatriculating into the Robotics Masters program at the University of Pennsylvania. He is passionate about robotics, embedded systems, and mechanical design.
Nick Parrotta (right) is a senior at the University of Pennsylvania, and is majoring and submatriculating in Mechanical Engineering. He is specializing in design and manufacturability, but also has strong interests in tech-based entrepreneurship and automotive engineering.
Niko Vladimirov (left of center) is a senior at the University of Pennsylvania, and is majoring in Mechanical Engineering and submatriculating in Integrated Product Design. His interests are in the synthesis of mechatronics and mechanical design.
We’d like to recognize the following people who have been incredibly helpful throughout the course of this project.
- Jonathan Fiene
- Mark Yim
- Peter Szczesniak
- Bruce Kothmann
- Mike Garcia
- Steve McGill
- Peter Rockett
- Joe Valdez
- Kyle Beck
- Matt Piccoli